The Need of The Hour is Nonetheless Humanity. The Primary to Post Graduate teachers, the Mentors to a Spiritual guru & of course The Parent to a lover, influence us to only some extent but 'Pandemic' was a rebirth of some sort. I for a change stopped understanding what is going around but instead understood more of ME.
I learned not to be conscious on perfection, rather i learned to be original & real. I learned that Comparison brings to the table Copying.
There is nothing Like to Limit ourselves as Good and there is
not much Bad either, I learned not to be suppressed in between these two
opposite words, but just being ME Mattered most. Do what i think is Right,
Listen to the inner voice & stand Tall for the people i Consider them as
Be it a Spouse or a kid, the role we play & frame ourselves
to be eternally unconditional is to be introspected again, because in a mutual
admiration calling each other with a magical word called 'Love You' is more or
less a casual one liner in present days.
To Bring another new life into the world, both Man & Woman
are equally The Designers God Made. Hence it is better to stop looking at a Man
as a bread winner & a Woman as a home maker. exchange the portfolios &
see, there is nothing a woman cannot do what a man could do.
The Word Multi-Tasking Might suit a Woman more as she can (apart
from bearing & giving birth) Raise a child, manage the kitchen & does a
job to Earn.. such effortless works definitely need a lot of appreciation from
a Man, encourage her in all the areas where he can, it's nothing wrong to treat
himself as a spectator. no need to have Ego here at AT ALL. The House then
becomes a Home.
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